Kids' Corner - Children's art books, furniture, paint, markers, crayons, and more

Kids' Corner - Buying online: No fuss. No mess.
Featured Kids' Korner Products

From $1.74

Mini Color Pencil By Number Kits

by Royal & Langnickel

A fun and simple introduction to colored pencils

From $1.60

From $1.32

Classic Stickers

by Sticko

Make scrapbooking sticky

From $0.89

Puzzle Shapes

by Hygloss

Create your own puzzles

From $5.19

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Purchase Guide: Kids' Corner

Art is an essential part of childhood! Part of a well-rounded education, art and artistic expression are important to children's communication and emotional development. By the time of their first birthday, many children are able to grip a crayon and scribble, their first experiment with color and shape. By age three, they begin to combine circles and lines to make simple figures destined to adorn refrigerator doors across the globe.

By the time kids reach 9 or 10 years old, they start finding it more important...
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